Digital Nomad Visa Comparison: Estonia vs. Montenegro


Located in Northern Europe, Estonia is known for its natural beauty, rich culture, and highly-developed digital infrastructure. It's a popular destination for digital nomads looking for a welcoming environment and easy immigration policies.

Digital Nomad Visa Program

Cost of Visa EUR80 for a type C and EUR100 for a type D visa
Length of Stay 12 months. Before the initial Estonia Digital Nomad Visa expires, the applicant can apply for a new one. However, he/she is not allowed to stay in Estonia longer than 548 days within 730 consecutive days
Income Requirement Must earn EUR3,504 per month

Other Conditions or Requirements

  • Applicants need to work online and be independent of location
  • Work for an employer registered abroad, for their company registered abroad, or as a freelancer for clients mostly abroad
  • Hold documents that prove that the applicant can work remotely
  • Provide documents that provide information about the current work status, last six months income, its regularity and sources, academic and professional history, and a valid passport or travel document
  • Have medical insurance or health insurance and a proof of accommodation
  • If the employer is not registered in the Estonian commercial register, the employer must register with the Tax and Customs Board as a non-resident employer before commencing activities in Estonia
  • After living 183 days within a financial year, digital nomads will be taxed under the Estonian Digital Nomad Visa
  • The relevant administrative authority will review the application in full and conduct thorough background checks


Located in Southeast Europe, Montenegro boasts a beautiful coastline and rich heritage, making it an ideal destination for digital nomads seeking sun, sea, and culture. It has a simple immigration process and low costs of living, making it a top choice for digital nomads.

Temporary Residence Permit for Digital Nomads under Foreigners’ Act

Cost of Permit EUR67 for issuing a permit for temporary residence and work
Length of Stay 2 years, renewable for another 2 years
Income Requirement Monthly income should amount to at least 3 minimum wages in Montenegro, which is about EUR1,350

Other Conditions or Requirements

  • The applicants are required to have a clean criminal record. Submission of police clearance or non-conviction proof from native country is a requirement for applicant
  • Permit holders must reside in Montenegro in accordance with the basis for which they were granted temporary residence (digital nomad). A digital nomad cannot work on another basis (e.g. local employment)
  • Applicants must have a valid passport or travel document with validity 3 months more than visa’s validity, proof of purpose of stay, proof of payment of consular fee, and income earned in previous year by applicant is required to be equivalent to at least three minimum wages monthly (EUR1,350)
  • Applicant must have valid medical insurance, and a proof of accommodation, which can be any of the following: proof of ownership of a real estate in Montenegro for residing, notarized lease agreement, confirmation from registered accommodation provider, or other corresponding documents
  • As per the Personal Income Tax, a foreigner with temporary residence earning as a freelancer serving abroad and earning in Montenegro above three times of average gross salary in country is exempt to pay personal income tax in Montenegro

Comparing Estonia and Montenegro

Both Estonia and Montenegro offer attractive visa programs for digital nomads. Estonia's Digital Nomad Visa allows a digital nomad to change jobs and work for multiple employers during the term of the visa. It does not require a minimum stay and has a relatively low income requirement. Montenegro, on the other hand, offers a broader definition of work and does not require the payment of personal income tax for its foreign residents earning online.

Ultimately, choosing the best destination between Estonia and Montenegro will depend on your personal preferences, lifestyle, language, cultural and economic factors, and work requirements. Both countries offer exciting opportunities and experiences for digital nomads, making them top choices for those looking to work remotely while exploring new horizons.


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